E78: Forgiveness, motherhood and trailblazing with Kirsi Englund

Livsrommet med Silje - A podcast by Silje Vassøy


Welcome to another episode and another splendid week! The first part of the episode is in Norwegian.  Gjenklang - Medlemsportalen The talk with Kirsi starts around 14 minutes Shownotes: Kirsi on instagram We think we are not capable to do big things Different kinds of legacy Follow your honesty, then your purpose will reveal itself Not accepting mediocracy There is not enough for everyone Do not listen to your mind Forgiving both others and yourself You really need to lean to forgive yourself There is a lot of mistake that you are gonna make; learn to forgive those mistake Accepting No one is perfect Take time of You can not be there for the kids ALL the time Permission slip: Don`t be so hard on yourself Your children chose you Intention behind it were good Insecurities as a first-time mom Trust your intuition as a mom Intuition is the language of the body Different types of bodily Yes`s and No`s Depending on eachother in times of extra struggle and chaotic Safe and support Evolving part of the long-term relationship Trailblazer Bonus: Meditation Starts 42:47 Kirsi webpage Rebel new earth school / academy