168 w. David Gallup: Is a World Passport right for You?

Live the Impossible Show - A podcast by Live the Impossible


Is a World Passport Right for You? David Gallup a specialist in human rights, world citizenship, world law education and President of the World Service Authority. David shares how the world passport came to be and the incredible vision of Garry Davis to have a world of peace, equality and freedom of movement. How can we create a governing system which supports the people of the world? How do you use the world passport? How to become a world citizen? Who are you? Do you still need visas? David Gallup specializes in human rights, world citizenship and world law education. He is President of the World Service Authority®, Washington, DC, a global public service human rights organization founded in 1954. In addition to his role as President, he has served as General Counsel since 1992. Gallup is a Board Member of Citizens for Global Solutions and CGS Team Leader of the Peace and Youth Outreach Program. He is the Convenor of the World Court of Human Rights Coalition. For fifteen years, he was the Secretary of the United Nations Association Task Forces on UN Restructuring and on Cultures of Peace. Gallup has been interviewed by media, such as BBC, PRI, The New York Times, The Huffington Post, and Foreign Policy– covering topics on human rights, global justice, terrorism, and citizenship and identity. Gallup was interviewed for A Beautiful Mind by biographer Sylvia Nasar and for Cosmopolites:The Coming of the Global Citizen by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, senior editor at The Nation. Gallup received a J.D. from the Washington College of Law at American University and an A.B. in French and an A.B. in History from Washington University. World Service Authority Website: https://www.worldservice.org/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/worldserviceauthority Twitter: www.twitter.com/worldcitizengov Instagram: www.instagram.com/worldcitizengov YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/WorldServiceOfficial World Citizen Store: https://www.bonfire.com/store/world-service-authority-store/ The Garry Davis movie we discussed: https://www.theworldismycountry.com/ Paleblue.dot on youtube. https://youtu.be/wupToqz1e2g Ten P’s of passport usage: https://youtu.be/uGPMyUn4zHM https://globalsolutions.org Further content information from this episode: https://www.livetheimpossible.today/168 Wholyland memberhood: https://www.wholyland.me/ Wholyland freedom course: https://www.wholyland.me/learn Get the free Footsteps for Freedom ebook, here: https://www.wholyland.me/freedombook Wholyland Blog: https://wholyland.me/wholy-blog Oliver & Tora Zophias (Susana) mentoring programs: https://silverhoj.com/ Pam the Health Genie: https://www.pamlob.com/ Tora & Ulrikas Unfuckwithable blog: https://unfuckwithable.blog/ Jon Century our household Magic Musician: https://www.joncentury.com/music  

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