139 w. Wholyland Council: History Hijacks and Deceptions [HisStory By Her Theme]
Live the Impossible Show - A podcast by Live the Impossible

Wholyland Council dive into history hijacks & deceptions that comes to the surface at this time. We look at how naturalness is wronged so the artificial can take over. We ask the questions; How do the wounded masculine and feminine play out? How have we been played throughout history? How is Egypt connected to the deceptions? How does language keep us as slaves? How can nose swabs and needles violate us? Sequal of fall of cabal episode 6 & 7: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zzFRugqt06Vq/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/Awrt6vmFdYpw/ The greater reset: https://thegreaterreset.org/replays Stargate sites video: https://youtu.be/_MMLZfP1MPA Holy F*ck & Sacred Water: https://amzn.to/2F63LCy Wholyland course “Footsteps for Freedom”: https://wholyland.me/footsteps-to-freedom/ Further content information from this episode: https://www.livetheimpossible.today/139 Wholyland memberhood: https://www.wholyland.me/ https://wholyland.me/wholy-blog membership: https://www.wholyland.me/ Get the free Live the Impossible Playbook, here: https://www.livetheimpossible.today/ Oliver & Tora Zophias (Susana) mentoring programs: https://silverhoj.com/ Pam the Health Genie: https://www.pamlob.com/ Tora & Ulrikas Unfuckwithable blog: https://unfuckwithable.blog/ Oliver & Tora Zophias (Susana) travel blog: https://www.conscioustravelfamily.com/ Jon Century our household Magic Musician: https://www.joncentury.com/music We might earn from qualifying purchases from affiliate links shared