118 w. Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Scientifically debunk masks tests and jabs [Coherence Theme]
Live the Impossible Show - A podcast by Live the Impossible

Dr Andrew Kaufman blows the whistle and scientifically debunks masks, tests and jabs in this enlightening episode. He spells out in simple terms the tests and various study results and the implications. What do these tests really measure? Will the jabs be safe? Do masks protect? Get useful tips on how to keep relations harmonious and in coherence at these polarising times. Andrew Kaufmans website: https://www.andrewkaufmanmd.com/ On youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV7v2cvSnrJ9Qyz36cW1Ftw Dr Kaufman on mask study: https://youtu.be/7ykcUbwsfK4 Danish mask study: https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817 Portuguese court blog post: https://off-guardian.org/2020/11/20/portuguese-court-rules-pcr-tests-unreliable-quarantines-unlawful/?fbclid=IwAR0P_i_-GDRuuBlCuHQzjL0LqRh7zlBaE7Y7QDPWV4_V6hIEcS11Q-0IbBw Study around Covid: https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciaa1491/5912603 Epidemic law Denmark: https://www.sst.dk/da/Viden/Beredskab/Beredskab-for-epidemier/Epidemiloven Christine Benn Ted talk: https://youtu.be/_d8PNlXHJ48 Further content information from this episode: https://www.livetheimpossible.today/118 Wholyland membership: https://www.wholyland.me/ Get the free Live the Impossible Playbook, here: https://www.livetheimpossible.today/ Oliver & Tora Zophias (Susana) mentoring programs: https://silverhoj.com/ Pam the Health Genie: https://www.pamlob.com/ Tora & Ulrikas Unfuckwithable blog: https://unfuckwithable.blog/ Oliver & Tora Zophias (Susana) travel blog: https://www.conscioustravelfamily.com/ Jon Century our household Magic Musician: https://www.joncentury.com/music We might earn from qualifying purchases from affiliate links shared