How To Retire Early with Mr. Money Mustache (Rebroadcast)

Mr Money Mustache didn't retire because he was making so much money from his blog. He had actually been retired for six years before he started writing. The blog was born when he looked around at his friends who had good jobs but were still living paycheck to paycheck. They bought into what has long been sold as the American Dream; go to college, get a job, buy a house, fill that house with as much stuff as it can hold (and when it can't hold anymore, rent a storage unit), have some kids, and get stuck in an unfulfilling job, dreaming of freedom that will always be out of reach. Retire, maybe at 65 if you're lucky, and live out your days, just kind of existing, hoping your money will outlast you. The best years of your life long past. But what if you could be retired by thirty? MMM started the blog out of frustration, he wanted to show them, and now us, that they could do what he did. And an empire started. Original Broadcast Date September 8, 2014  Full Article Here Show Notes Mr Money Mustache: Everything you need to know to retire early. The 4 Pillars of Investing: A book that helped MMM get his start. Betterment:  Start investing your 50% today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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