If You Snooze, They Lose

During today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology we’re going to peruse a parable about 10 Bridesmaids that Jesus taught on the Mount of Olives – that beautiful hill overlooking Jerusalem - during a series of messages called The Olivet Discourse, which He preached just prior to the first Easter. And while this symbolic tale is set in the context of a wedding party, it’s more of a warning than a warm and fuzzy love story so it’s important to note that our Savior was only talking to His disciples when He shared this sober, eschatological story. This conversation takes place in an intimate family meeting Jesus has with the Twelve less than a week before His crucifixion and resurrection. Only a few days before Peter, James, and John will mirror the exact same unprepared posture depicted by the bevy of sleeping beauties when they fall asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane, even after Jesus implored them to stay awake for His sake. Remember, our Redeemer didn’t just save us from, He saved us for. For sharing the Living Hope of the Gospel to the image-bearers we have the privilege of rubbing shoulders with because one day those precious people who don’t yet have a real relationship with Jesus will run out of days to run into His outstretched arms. Today’s podcast is about being both compassionate and ready for our divine Bridegroom’s return, so please grab a ginormous cup of coffee and your Bible – unless you’re cutting up potatoes for a crawfish boil, of course – and come hang out on the porch with us!  Follow Us On Instagram! @BackPorchTheologyPodcast @LisaDHarper @AllisonAllen @Jim.Howard.Co  Learn more about Convoy of Hope’s Women’s Empowerment program at Convoy.org/LisaHarper 

Om Podcasten

You're invited to hang out on Lisa Harper's back porch and enjoy conversations about all things Jesus, theological anthropology, biblical orthodoxy, Spanx, the merits of Tex-Mex and more! We believe this podcast will help you dive deeper into God's word, understand that the gospel is great news for everyday life, not just when viewed in the light of eternity, and that God is for us, that He's always been in the process of redeeming our inherent value as imago Dei and restoring us into a vibrant, intimate relationship with Him.And rest assured, this won't be a one-sided conversation because, throughout the podcast, Lisa will be inviting friends, including some brilliant theologians and academics to join her in substantive but decidedly unstuffy segments. So come on, y'all grab some coffee or sweet tea and join us on the back porch!