506: Three Wild and Crazy Topics

We surprise each other with three secret topics, with one big catch.Sponsored By:Tailscale: Tailscale is a Zero config VPN. It installs on any device in minutes, manages firewall rules for you, and works from anywhere. Get 20 devices for free for a personal account. Linode Cloud Hosting: A special offer for all Linux Unplugged Podcast listeners and new Linode customers, visit linode.com/unplugged, and receive $100 towards your new account. Bitwarden: Bitwarden is the easiest way for businesses and individuals to store, share, and sync sensitive data.Support LINUX UnpluggedLinks:Fleek — Install and manage all the tools you need to be productive. Use a simple command line tool or edit one YAML file and you're off to the races.ublue-os/fleek: Own your $HOMEFleek First Steps — You have two choices with Fleek. You can use Fleek with a simple CLI tool and YAML file to manage your installed packages, aliases and path, or you can use Fleek as a one-time generator to create a lightly-opinionated Nix Home Manager flake for you.nix-community/home-manager — Manage a user environment using Nix.Home Manager - NixOS WikiDeterminateSystems/nix-installer — nix-installer is an opinionated alternative to the official Nix install scripts.Sharing Fleek Configurations — You can use Fleek to share your configurations across multiple computers. This is useful if you use multiple computers and want to keep your configurations in sync.Containers and Kubernetes Explained | Linode, now AkamaiOlympia Linux Spring Meetup — Let's have a local PNW get-together. Saturday, April 29, 2023.Boston Harbor MarinaLinuxFest Northwest 2023: Call for SpeakersStart your NOSTR-Market with LNbitsNostr, a Basic tourAwesome-nostrNostr AppsBitwarden on Twitter — Is your Bitwarden vault jam-packed with entries? Here are a few tips for organizing your vault to better suit your everyday needs.linuxserver.io — Building and maintaining community imagesRaspberry Pi SD card image for NixOS on BTRFS rootPick: difftastic — A structural diff that understands syntax.difftastic is packaged in NixPodcasting 2.0 AppsAlbyLINUX Unplugged on the Podcastindex.org

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