Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time - A Leader’s Guide to Energy Management

Interview with James Stanier, Director of Engineering at Shopify. He talks about setting yourself up for success by planning for the unexpected, goal- and achievement tracking and keeping your calendar under control. Sign up to the Level-up Engineering newsletter!In this interview we're covering:Reasons to manage your energy, not your timeTips to manage your energyAspects of managing your energy, not your time Energy management for senior leaders vs. ICsCommunication with colleagues while managing your energyExcerpt from the interview:"I have flexibility over my calendar. I’m in a high-intensity environment, but I have more time than I used to. I have noticed that my previous habits didn’t suit my current situation, and I realized that managing my energy was more important than managing my time. "Click here to read the full interview!

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Level-up Engineering reveals actionable management secrets from some of the most successful engineering leaders (VP of Engineering, Director of Engineering, CTO). This podcast brings you key insights from fellow engineering managers, to level-up your management skills and to take your software development team to the next level. The podcast covers the biggest challenges engineering leaders face, showing exactly how others overcame these challenges. Learn the best practices on management and leadership to understand people and organizations as much as you understand code. We interview engineering leaders and dive into the fundamentals behind hiring and retaining developers, motivating developers, scaling dev teams, mentoring developers, and much more! The episodes are brought to you by Apex Lab, a digital product development agency offering end-to-end, stress-free product delivery. Check them out on If you have any feedback or would like to be featured on Level-up Engineering please, drop us a line at [email protected]