From IC to CEO: Software Engineer Career Development

Level-up your software engineer career development through other professionals’ stories: meet Max Rudman, CEO of Prodly, who went from IC to CEO over the years and has even founded a startup of his own. He shares interesting details about his career development and gives valuable advice to people interested in a similar path. Sign up to the Level-up Engineering newsletter!In this interview we're covering:Max’s career development Skills for software engineering career developmentChoosing between different opportunities Is being CEO for everyone?Advice for aspiring managersAdvice for aspiring foundersChallenges of CEOsLegacy aimsExcerpt from the interview:"Both in entrepreneurship and product management, you have to say no to a lot more things than you say yes to. How to decide between a yes and a no boils down to what you’re focusing on: what kind of customers you’re serving or what problems you’re trying to solve. Based on this, you can differentiate between opportunities and see what would make your solution stand out in the market. At the beginning of the founding journey, your resources are usually very limited, so you’ll have to be very picky about what you say yes to."

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Level-up Engineering reveals actionable management secrets from some of the most successful engineering leaders (VP of Engineering, Director of Engineering, CTO). This podcast brings you key insights from fellow engineering managers, to level-up your management skills and to take your software development team to the next level. The podcast covers the biggest challenges engineering leaders face, showing exactly how others overcame these challenges. Learn the best practices on management and leadership to understand people and organizations as much as you understand code. We interview engineering leaders and dive into the fundamentals behind hiring and retaining developers, motivating developers, scaling dev teams, mentoring developers, and much more! The episodes are brought to you by Apex Lab, a digital product development agency offering end-to-end, stress-free product delivery. Check them out on If you have any feedback or would like to be featured on Level-up Engineering please, drop us a line at [email protected]