How inclusive design can increase learning
Let's Talk Architecture - A podcast by Danish Architecture Center – DAC

Can ‘inclusivity’ as a design principle bring about new forms to our learning environments? In this episode of ‘Let’s talk architecture’ our guest expert, architect Eva Ravnborg from the architecture company Henning Larsen, shares insights on how inclusive design principles can create equitable learning spaces. She takes the host, Michael Booth on a tour to Frederiksbjerg School, which the studio designed to activate children in various kinds of ways that allow them ‘to get through the day in more than 100 different ways’. From accessible entrances and classrooms to considering acoustics and lighting for sensory sensitivities, Eva explains various ways to incorporate inclusivity. Join us as we explore the transformative impact of inclusive school architecture on student success and well-being. Let's talk architecture is a Danish Architecture Center podcast, sound edits by Munck Studio. You can hear previous episodes here.