How AI changes architecture as we know it
Let's Talk Architecture - A podcast by Danish Architecture Center – DAC

These days artificial intelligence (AI) is in the spotlight – from fearsome warnings about societal impacts presented by leading figures in the tech industries and on to hopeful imaginations of a better future. But can AI also help create better, more sustainable, and even more democratic architecture? At the architectural company Henning Larsen they seem to think so, and their use of AI in their architectural practices help running big operations more smoothly. In this episode of Let’s talk architecture the guest, Signe Kongebro, Global Design Director, Urbanism and Partner at Henning Larsen walks our host Michael Booth through some of the ways AI is already in use in their everyday work. For instance, high-speed AI-generated renderings can make design processes and citizen engagement more efficient, and in the end inspire new forms and layouts. Listen in on how AI is already helping to shape our cities. Let's talk architecture is a Danish Architecture Center podcast, sound edits by Munck Studio. You can hear previous episodes here.