The Benefits of Bedsharing

In this episode, I'm talking about a side of the bedsharing conversation that often gets left out: the benefits of bedsharing. We cannot do a true risk/benefit analysis without having ALL of the information, so it is crucial for parents to know this. I'll also be sharing some personal testimonies from bedsharing families about why they chose to bedshare (or how it was their only option), and how it has benefited them.  --- Support this podcast:

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Join me, Taylor Kulik, an occupational therapist and sleep & well-being specialist, as we examine the mainstream narratives that dominate our culture. It's common to enter parenthood without really stopping to reflect on why we are doing the things we are doing. This is a space where we will challenge societal parenting and childhood norms and discuss biological infant sleep without sleep training. We'll also share real journeys of parents who have gone against the grain by practicing responsive and respectful parenting, and by following their intuition. Support this podcast: