How will the NHS Provider Selection Regime (PSR) shape the future of healthcare procurement?

Welcome to our latest podcast where our legal team discuss the recently published draft regulations for the NHS Provider Selection Regime (PSR), which comes into force on 1st January 2024.

Join Mary Mundy and Peter Edwards as they outline the key changes within the PSR and how this will shape the future of health services being procured and awarded.

This podcast will be of interest to anyone who provides health care services and those involved in awarding contracts for health care services in the NHS and Local Authorities.

The discussion will include:

  • The key changes that the Provider Selection Regime will bring;
  • How the Provider Selection Regime will shape the way in which health services are procured and awarded; and
  • How to plan ahead for 2024.
  • How we can help

Looking for something in particular? Skip ahead

1:06: Intro and when PSR comes into force, what and who it applies to

3:20: When the provider Selection Regime will kick in and apply depending on when the award process has started

5:45: Procurement Principles

6:30: What we see as the game changers

7:03:Overview of the direct award processes

9:02: Considerable change threshold to be applied to work out whether a relevant authority could use Direct Award Process C

10:03: Most Suitable Provider Process and Competitive Process

10:43: Notice requirements (for contract award and notice of intention to award)

12:02: What can happen during standstill

13:21: What information has to be recorded by a relevant authority and that aggrieved providers might ask for

15:31: Representations process during standstill

17:15: Notice requirements for Most Suitable Provider Process

18:49: Notice requirements for competitive process

20:40: Our views on the processes and aspects of the regime that should be noted

22:17: Details of the Independent Review Panel

24:00: Details on Conflicts of interest

27:04: Annual summaries to be published and monitoring requirements

28:36: How can people plan for the PSR?

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The latest developments and insights—covering a wide range of topics and sectors—from Capsticks' legal experts. Capsticks is a leading UK law firm providing specialist legal advice to the health, housing, regulatory and social care sectors; acting on some of the most ground-breaking, high-value and politically sensitive cases from our offices in Birmingham, Chorley, Leeds, London and Winchester.