Episode 2 - Political Thought

Episode 2: "He who is brave is free"  Seneca Politics is the expression of the human thought in relations to providing individuals and communities with the inherent necessities of safety and nourishment.  Freedom and Democracy are inseparable in the Western political thought and usually are perceived as a granted right. That is far from the truth; The fear of not being able to exist in a safe and ordered society has led us to give away a part of our freedom for the exchange of security and nourishment. How is fear influencing our decisions? Is braveness the antidote to slavery?

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The Lecture of Thoughts philosophy podcast by some guys who were at one point set on doing philosophy for a living but then thought better of it. Each episode, we pick a text and chat about it with some balance between insight and flippancy. Welcome to Lecture of Thoughts with Nass, Kosta and Mario.