The 5 Habit Building Cheat Codes I Used to Lose 40lbs and Keep Them Off

We’re going to talk about the fail-proof way to build a habit. You only need to focus on 5 things. If you think use these 5 areas, and build your habits this way, you cannot help but succeed. This is the cheat code for changing behaviour. If you don’t, you go around in circles feeling like a failure, wondering why you’re so lazy. Feeling frustrated that you can't stick to something. Feeling annoyed that you don’t keep your word to yourself. You’re not the problem, you just haven’t had a way of forming habits yet. In this episode, we dive into how to do just that. 📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals 🤙 Find me on: My Website ➔ Instagram ➔ Youtube ➔ Subscribe and see you next week.

Om Podcasten

Calling all overweight plant based women! This is a podcast for FRUSTRATED vegan gal's who can’t shift the fat, all while eating a healthy vegan diet! (Yes we exist.) Weight loss doesn’t have to be a mystery, but with all the pseudo science and outright quackery online it’s hard to understand the true WHY and HOW. I’m Chelsea Cullen and I’ve lost 18kg (nearly 40 pounds) as a vegan ONCE I understood the science of weight loss, which has nothing to do with counting calories or celery juice by the way.I’m here to simplify the TRUTH about fat burning, what foods to eat for the most effective weight loss, the mindset tools to get you to your goal, and how to make it stick FOR LIFE. To connect with me check out my Instagram: Chelseamaecullen or find me at