'Cause I am Most Ill and I'm Lightin’ and Stealin’ - with Tess Falcone
LD-at-Large Podcast - A podcast by Chris Lose

with Tess Falcone - Lighting Designer, Director and Programmer out of Denver Colorado
On this episode, we discuss, day off activities, going to art museums for inspiration, when you take a concept and rework it, are you ripping it off?, the difference between stealing a design and being inspired by someone else’s design, reusing the same design over and over, can we find inspiration in someone else’s art and make it our own?, convenience vs. artistic integrity, Does the truck pack have to define your design?, festival designs: should they be creative or useful?, and the best day off ever.
“Touring makes our lives way more interesting than is has any right to be”
- Nick Delehanty
Please visit: www.tessfalcone.com