A Little Nepotism Never Hurt Nobody, Honey

LD-at-Large Podcast - A podcast by Chris Lose



John Featherstone - Founding Partner at Lightswitch Inc.

Hailey Featherstone - Freelance Lighting Programmer and Designer

Mario Educate - President & CEO, OSA International

Carmen Educate - Executive Vice President, OSA International

On this episode, we discuss the pros and cons of nepotism in the entertainment business, the pride of having children be a part of big projects, bringing children into the shops and theaters, providing support for children who want to follow in their parents footsteps, how to get out from a parent’s shadow, how to climb the corporate ladder with a parental safety net, comparing work ethics and philosophies of the younger and older generations and a whole lot of family discussions about work.

“A little nepotism never hurt nobody, honey. If you got it, use it. Press on with it. Remind them of it.”

- Lena Horne

Please visit: www.lightswitch.net and www.osasolutions.com

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