#28: What happened to Bellona in Russia?

Klodebry - A podcast by Miljøstiftelsen Bellona

For almost three decades Bellona has been present in Russia working on environmental issues and rights. But in light of the invasion of Ukraine, radical changes were inevitable. Ksenia and Oskar from Bellona's Russia team explain how conditions for civil society in the country have deteriorated for years, how the invasion changed everything, and what lies ahead – both in terms of the environmental cost of war and for Bellona's engagement in Russia. In the studio: Ksenia Vakhrusheva, Oskar Njaa and Benjamin Strandquist. I Klodebry stiller vi de dumme spørsmålene for deg og snakker om hva som må til for å få oss ut av klimakrisen og miljøproblemene vi står i. Klodebry er laget av Miljøstiftelsen Bellona. Send oss gjerne spørsmål og innspill til [email protected]!