Guess that cat! Hawkfang edition
Kit claws and cat tails - A podcast by Wolfsong

Headphone warning, we get kinda loud at some parts, and I am sorry in advance for Hawkfangs weird screams. Even through all of Wolfsongs continuous pestering, Hawkfang has not read past the first series. Unfortunately for him, Wolfsong has learned to take advantage of this, which resulted in this episode! Hawkfang desperately struggles to name cats, and Wolfsong tries not to choke on her laughter. Also, if you do want to watch Moonkitti's Starkit series, here's the link to the first episode: I'm fairly sure it doesn't contain cursing or blood, but watch at your own risk, I'm not responsible for cat trauma (yet) Send in quote ideas and title suggestions! Email: [email protected]