8/10/24: Is Christ Your Lord?
Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

First institution of God; Generations; Walking dead; "Put to death"; Family principles behind government; Corporation; Calling no man "father" (patri); Family powers - potestas and imperium; Family laws; Destruction of families; Giving up responsibilities; Healthy families; "Logos" = "word" = right reason; vs faulty reasoning; Knowing the controversy; Sacrificing - for neighbor; Love = charity; Caring for parents; Confusion; THE whole truth; Tribute; Contractual nature of government; Home schooling; Adulterating your body; Taxation; No exercising authority; Sick families; Expectations of men and women; Marginalizing good/evil; Slavery?; Destroying masculinity; "obey"?; Welfare goddess?; "Pagan"; Freewill; Nature of women and men; Depression; "Elder"; What made America great?; "Called out"; Banks?; Waiting tables?; 7 men; Self-organization; Creating the counterfeit church; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Herod's baptism; Breakdown of society; rod and staff; Repentance; Thinking like Christ; Following Holy Spirit; Caring for other families; Insecure Christ?; Church life?; Loving benefactors; Free bread?; Married ministers; Fathers who understand Christ; Giving meaning to life; Seeking righteousness; Seeing the whole truth; Growing up as children of God; Drawing near Holy Spirit; "Born again"; Advice for families; Loving truth; Spotting religion; Loving your spouse; Healing our spirit; Seeing what you are lacking; Challenging mistakes; Take the next step.