76. Sounds Like Crazy Calm Under Deadly Duress - The Courage of Jennifer Holliday

Just The Tip-Sters: True Crime Podcast - A podcast by Melissa Morgan


Imagine living what would be every woman's worst nightmare:  You're driving down the road with your favorite cousin in the passenger seat, not a care in the world, when suddenly a truck pulls up beside you and the guy inside fires a shotgun directly at you.  And shoots.  Blowing your elbow into shattered bone and blood.  When you pull over, that same driver tries to pull your cousin out of your car, and when she won't move, blows her head off with that same shotgun.  Imagine now that the driver hauls you away, rapes and tortures you, and then you end up in his trailer in the middle of the woods where no one can find him.  Jennifer Holliday doesn't have to imagine any of that.  Because it actually happened to her.  And she survived.  Through a combination of sheer guts, keen; raw intelligence and incredible calm under pressure, Holliday has lived to tell of her incredible ordeal - and Melissa shares it with you this episode in chilling, compelling detail.

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