105. Sounds Like An Australian Abomination - Why Hasn't William Tyrrell Been Found?

Just The Tip-Sters: True Crime Podcast - A podcast by Melissa Morgan


There are mysteries.  There are baffling mysteries.  And then there are mysteries that throw an entire nation into fits of frustration and anger.  This is one of those cases.  3 year-old William Tyrrell was playing with his older sister - when his foster mother (who was watching both kids with her own mom) went into the house briefly.  When she returned, young William was gone - the grandmother had no explanation for his disappearance and William's sister did not see anything.  In the intervening years, the case has become one of Australia's most notorious and publicized missing persons cases in its history.  And every media outlet, pundit, psychic and average citizen on the street has an opinion on what happened.  In this episode, Melissa describes the madness of the Tyrrell case - the conflicting story lines, multiple suspects (one in particular horrifically wrongly accused) and the prosecution of the case's former lead investigator for reasons that are almost impossible to comprehend.

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