Ep 4 – Really? Everything happens for a reason?
John Dalton - gently does it . . . - A podcast by John Dalton
In this episode “Everything happens for a reason.” Life after death Higher self God Meaning Cranio Sacral Therapy Why Do We Get Sick? Why Do We Get Better? Ross River Fever Cancer Point of life? Good things happend to bad people Coming into the moment Being in the moment Being in the 10 minutes Being in the half an hour Acknowledging the beauty What you focus on expands? Fundamental question Blind spots Cranio Sacral work What is everyone working out? Paradoxes Craniosacral therapy training Being in tune Everything happens . . . Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review or a rating on ITunes. I read every review and it helps to make the podcast better. Music by The Argyle Pimps. Thanks lads.