Ep 19 – Lynne Kershaw : Natural fertility
John Dalton - gently does it . . . - A podcast by John Dalton

Craniosacral therapist, acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist, Lynne Kershaw, covers a lot of ground in this information packed conversation. She has a special interest in natural fertility but also talks about health in general and gives some great tips for practitioners. Here is what we talk about in this episode Infertility Vaccination Tanzania A career in natural medicine? How has your practice evolved? Blending acupuncture, craniosacral and Chinese herbs Favourite herb Craniosacral therapy – biodynamic or not? The future of healthcare Tips for a successful practice Is natural medicine an art? Why do we get sick? Ageing well To contact Lynne email lynnekershaw (at) optusnet (dot) com (dot) au To find out more about Lynne and her work www.camphillacupuncture.com.au www.craniosacraltheraptbrisbane.com.au Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review a rating on ITunes. I read every review and it helps to make the podcast better. Music by The Argyle Pimps. Thanks lads.