Ep 104 – Sarah Muirhead : Inclusive Courage

John Dalton - gently does it . . . - A podcast by John Dalton


Patreon and Paypal link With stoic wit and artistic courage Scottish artist, Sarah Muirhead leaves an impression. She paints contemporary figurative paintings that have great texture and psychological depth. Her work is shown and sold around the world, and her portrait commissions include a commission from Oxford University no less. Did I mention she’s funny! I had a blast chatting with her. We talk about, haggis, tattoos, butterflies, public transport, fight club, backhanded compliments, and art, lots of art and painting . . . Here are the main points of what we talk about: Japan, Artistic heroes, Studio soundtrack, Painting origins, Working with models, Recording ideas, Camera setup, Compositing, Commissions, Preconceptions, Drawing, Acrylic, Getting lost, Color palette, Biro, Substrates, Mediums, Brushes, Studio lighting, Illness, Scopophilia, Peeping Tom, The male gaze, Self-portraits, Selfies, Underlying themes, Millionaire artists, Prices, Most moving paintings, Big art dreams, Current projects, Tattoos, Artistic challenges, To find out more about Sarah and her work go to: http://www.sarahmuirheadart.com Most moving painting to make . . . Sarah Muirhead – The Performers Appirition Referenced in the podcast . . . Paint Powder blue Permanent Green Burnt umber Cadmium red Ruby’s blog (good close-ups of Sarah’s work) https://rubyyywrites.com/2017/10/28/scopophilia/ Ep 73 – Alex Gross : A More Beautiful World Ep 94 – Rachel Moseley : Call Your Mom Ep 74 – Katie O’Hagan : Getting On With Grit Thanks for listening! Click here to support the podcast.   Subscribe on iTunes Theme music by The Argyle Pimps. Thanks lads.

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