Defending Your Field of Dreams

Have you ever had a defining moment when you knew that God was speaking to you and Giving you specific guidance and direction for your life? If you have, you probably remember the place and time vividly. It’s that place where God gave you a glimpse of what he had in mind when he dreamed you up in eternity past. Well that destiny doesn’t just happen. You can be sure that the enemy will do all that he can to keep you from becoming all that God wants you to be. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, you’ll learn to remember that place and defend the dream that God placed in your heart.

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Thank you for visiting. We count it a privilege to serve you and hope you have a great online experience with us. We exist for one reason -- souls. Our greatest joy is to see people encounter God in a relevant way and discover His plans and purposes for their lives. So whether this is your first time to visit us online or you are returning -- we hope you'll use these podcasts as a trusted resource for your spiritual growth and information. I also hope whenever possible you can be a part of our weekly services. May the Lord bless you and keep you, Jentezen Franklin