ft. Conan Gray! Happiness needs a tinge of sadness

Our very special guest today is Conan Gray wooop 💕 We talked about how it feels to be dumped on an airplane, his morning routine, songwriting and his new song „Alley Rose“. Enjoy, guys 💕 Be sure to pre save his album "Found Heaven" out April 5th: https://conangray.lnk.to/foundheaven

Om Podcasten

Neue Tracks, hotter Tea und ganz viel Faye! Jeden Dienstag stellt euch Faye Montana in It's Out neue Musik vor und erzählt, was in der Popculture so los ist. Donnerstags interviewt sie Gäste. Die Musik aus dem Podcast gibts es in unserer Playlist auf Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2fb5qMG9D9WdFw1R01xfHu?si=40e70d789d3340d9&nd=1 Hosted on Julep Hosting https://www.julep.de/hosting/