206 Johan Magnusson and digitalization within the public sector (Swe)

Johan Magnusson is a professor at the Department of Applied IT at the University of Gothenburg and active in the Swedish Center for Digital Innovation. He returns to IT Talks after his debut in 2021. In this episode, Johan discusses how authorities should approach digitalization to overcome the challenges within public sectors. Historically, Sweden has excelled in computerization with internet and broadband, but currently, it has fallen behind, utilizing cheap options and suppliers who largely monopolize the market. This dependency on a digital infrastructure that we have not financed or modernized ourselves poses challenges. Finally, Johan emphasizes that understanding IT and digitalization is key. Development must occur in open environments with open-source and open APIs to avoid dependence on expertise deep within the system. Visit https://www.scdi.se/ for further information and https://digitalforvaltning.se/ with reports and lectures.

Om Podcasten

IT Talks (produced by Redpill Linpro) lets you in on how it is to work with us, how customers have solved IT challenges, the open source perspective, new industry trends by our partners, and much more. We have offices in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden – and we have recorded talks at all of our locations and the chats are held in local language.