iOS 686: Utility Apps for iOS - Soulver, Gemini Photos, Textcraft, Just Press Record, Picsew, Elsewhen

Sometimes, you just don't need a high-powered, multi-featured app to do what you need to do on your iPhone or iPad. Rosemary Orchard and Mikah Sargent show you some of the best utility apps in the App Store to help you complete the small stuff. Soulver Gemini Photos: Gallery Cleaner Textcraft Just Press Record Picsew Elsewhen Annotable NFC Cards (affiliate) NFC Tools Hosts: Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard Want access to the video version and exclusive features? Become a member of Club TWiT today! Club TWiT members can discuss this episode and leave feedback in the Club TWiT Discord. You can also contribute to iOS Today by sending an email to [email protected].

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Join Rosemary Orchard and Mikah Sargent for iOS Today,'s podcast for all things iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and more! From app reviews to helpful tips and tricks, from the latest news to the coolest accessories, Rosemary and Mikah will help you make the most of all your iOS devices. You can join Club TWiT for $7 a month and get ad-free audio and video feeds for all our shows plus everything else the club offers...or get just this podcast ad-free for $2.99 a month. New episodes every Thursday.