Episode 24 - Creative Check-In: New Projects, Goals, Growth, Vulnerability and Favourite Artwork of 2021
Into The Spotlight - A podcast by Morley Kert and Ryan O'Connor

In this wide-ranging episode, Morley and Ryan catch up on what we've been up to over the last six months, the new perspectives we have learned in that time, and our plans for upcoming creative projects. We had a great talk about Ryan's new writing project on Medium, Morley's recent maker projects, and how we discover new ways to create, despite limited time and resources. We touch on the importance of being part of a creative community and connecting with other creators, while also reflecting on some of the notable artwork that have made an impression on us this year. Mentions: Ryan’s article on Medium Justin Oeffler Zodiac (Film) Austin Saunders Casey Neistat Jimmy Diresta AGO Musée de la Gaspésie Raymond Jacobs Jim Cummings Gus Van Sant Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot (Film) LVRN Cypher Motorsport I’m done William Osman Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens What we're putting Into the Spotlight this week: Morley: Wingspan (Board Game) Ryan: The Narrative Art (YouTube Channel) Where You Can Find Us: Ryan O'Connor: Instagram: @ry.oconnor Twitter: @RyanOConnorCA Medium: @ryan.oc Morley Kert: Instagram: @morleykert YouTube: Morley Kert Collectively: Instagram: @intothespotlightpodcast Twitter: @into_spotlight Youtube: Into The Spotlight