Episode 37: FAA, Canada, & USAF with new initiatives, Wilkesboro, NC passes Emergency Resolution

This week on the InterDrone podcast we sat down with Vic Moss of Moss Photography and DroneU, and Brian Garret-Glaser of Access Intelligence. We discussed: - The FAA’s new drone training initiative - Canada forming a new consortium to promote the commercializing of drones and air taxi - ‘Agility Prime’ – The Air Force’s initiative to promote the commercial success of drone taxis - Wilkesboro, NC passing an emergency resolution last night prohibiting drones within 100’ of and above the Tyson Foods plant during the local COVID state of emergency - And more! Links From the Podcast: https://dronelife.com/2020/05/04/faa-drone-training-initiative-announced/ https://www.aviationtoday.com/2020/04/30/consortium-forming-canada-promote-commercialization-drones-air-taxis/ https://www.aviationtoday.com/2020/04/28/agility-prime-air-force-commits-winning-innovation-war-electric-vtol-aircraft/ https://www.journalpatriot.com/news/town-s-ban-of-drones-flying-over-tyson-is-questioned/article_f7fa8cf2-8fc6-11ea-a5e8-4f6dcb8fc645.html Podcast Sponsor: Gradd.co Speakers: Vic Moss http://www.mossphotography.biz/ https://twitter.com/MossPhotography Brian Garret-Glaser https://www.accessintel.com/ https://twitter.com/bgarrettglaser Michael Pehel https://interdrone.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelpehel/ CJ Smith https://interdrone.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/gcsmithv/ To subscribe to the InterDrone newsletter and get commercial drone content delivered to your inbox weekly, visit: https://interdrone.com/newsletter/

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