A Meditation for Your Horse

My gift to you and your horses. Play this "Dear Horse..." Meditation,  so your horse can hear it with you.Breathe, connect, and share the love.I truly hope you enjoy this.May the horse be with you. Always.-Beth Lauren ParrishInspired Riding®PS Please let me know how your horse responded to this! You can share in our private FB group here: Inspired Riders

Om Podcasten

Encouraging Equestrians to slow down, get present, trust their intuition, and listen to their horses. Your host, Beth Lauren Parrish is the Creator of Inspired Riding®, Certified Instructor for 23 years+, and RTT® Practitioner (Powerful Hypnotherapy). This podcast offers incredible interviews and direct insights from Beth. Enjoy and... May the horse be with you. Always. To learn more, kindly visit: https://www.InspiredRiding.com