Revealing Why We Remember with Charan Ranganath
Inquiring Minds - A podcast by Indre Viskontas

Welcome back to Inquiring Minds, where, after a brief hiatus, host Indre Viskontas returns withyet another memorable episode, this time featuring Charan Ranganath, Director of the Memoryand Plasticity Program and a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University ofCalifornia at Davis. Over his illustrious career, Dr. Ranganath has received innumerabledistinguished awards, edited major neuroscience journals, consulted for neuroscience researchfunding agencies across the world, and has served on several review panels. In celebration of his50th birthday, he has written a book for the masses, Why We Remember, which examines ‘thepowerful role memory plays in nearly every aspect of our lives’, and which also provides thespringboard for today’s lively discussion about the fascinating journey of memory in the humanexperience. Be sure to download and enjoy this highly anticipated return of Indre’s InquiringMinds, and revel in the unforgettable insights into memory's intricate interplay with cognitionand society offered here today, courtesy of these two giants in the field.Show Links:Inquiring Minds Homepage: the show: Cadence Podcast: more about Charan and Why We Remember: