Inspirational Mindsets: Beni Huggel über die Nachsportkarriere

In dieser Episode erzählt uns Beni Huggel wie schwierig es ihm fiel nach dem Rücktritt als Profi-Fussballer beruflich wieder Fuss zu fassen und wie er dies mit seinem Projekt Athletes Network eine Priorität für aktuelle Spitzensportler machen will. Ein Austausch über Fussball, Karriere und Profi-Sport, der für jeden etwas zu bieten hat.

Om Podcasten

We would like to introduce the first innovation podcast from students at the University of St. Gallen for students all over Europe. We are inno-maker, an association founded to build a bridge between students and innovative mindsets. The first podcast series will focus on inspirational mindsets that achieved extraordinary by thinking and acting different. Our first guest will be Stefan Glaenzer, known for his innovative startups such as Ricardo or and his successful investments in disruptive ideas. If you have feedback, please contact us through [email protected].