2025 Pop Culture Predictions: Relationships, Music, Tech, Beauty, Fashion + More!

infinite scroll - A podcast by Centennial World

Thank you so much to Jose Cuervo for sponsoring this episode. Buy Jose Cuervo here: https://www.danmurphys.com.au/list/jose-cuervo For the final episode of 2024, I am joined by Annabel and Alex from my team to cover some pop culture predictions we have for next year! Timestamps: 3:13 Relationship predictions 13:46 Music industry predictions 18:19 Tech predictions 28:30 Beauty & fashion predictions 33:41 Random predictions Find our podcast YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC18HclY7Tt5-1e3Z-MEP7Jg  Subscribe to our weekly Substack: https://centennialworld.substack.com/  Join our Geneva home: https://links.geneva.com/invite/7eb23525-9259-4d59-95e3-b9edd35861a5  Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/infinitescrollpodcast/  Follow Lauren on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurenmeisner_/ 

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