4 Steps to Beating Self Sabotage

Hello hello you gorgeous human!Ahh self sabotage our old friend! Those of you who have been here a while will know I have been doing the Devotion Experience with my community…and recently I have hit a self sabotage bump! If you have too,  I want you to know that you can shift this. And everything starts with you making a decision about who it is you desire to be and what it is that you desire to create. You are the person that has the vision, you are the person who's going to execute, and you are the person who is going to get the results that they desire. But it all starts with you making a decision. So listen in to this quickie on my 4 steps to beating this behaviour. I talk about this in my book, Infinite Receiving which you can get your hands on here.Quotes"Choose something different.  I have done this. You have done this many times in your life before.""When it feels like it's not working, you're going to be presented with another choice. Am I going to duck out or am I going to lean in.""When you find yourself looping, when you find yourself stuck, there is something going on that you don't understand. You now no longer have a clear line of sight."Highlights 02:53 And in order to get to that late at night and not have done those four things, I had been deliberately choosing consciously and subconsciously, to not follow through on this challenge. And that, my friend, is called self sabotage. 05:07 When things are going great, we will do something to mess it up because it is out of alignment with what we believe we are worthy and deserving of.07:54 So just deciding that you are going to shift your identity is the first step into moving beyond self sabotage.11:00 And at that point, when it feels like it's not working, you're going to be presented with another choice. Am I going to duck out or am I going to lean in, learn the lesson and revise what it is that I am doing?Ways to work with me: Order The Infinite Receiving Book here and get 7 days of The Gateway for FREE. Join The Momentum Portal here. Apply for Ascend here. Find Suzy on Instagram. Join The Quantum Success Hub on Telegram. Faith + Action = Miracles

Om Podcasten

Infinite Receiving is for female entrepreneurs and conscious leaders who are ready to tap into more abundance and limitless living. You already have a good life, you are ready to make it great. You are looking to access how to make it exquisite with next level impact, joy, abundant wealth and emotional intelligence. You're open to quantum expansion and conscious creation, with a desire to experience a deeper connection with life which supports you in elevating your business, relationships and wealth. Hosted by Suzy Ashworth, international Keynote Speaker, Author & Mentor, you'll learn the how to transform your life through the power of quantum transformation, feminine energetics and embodiment. This podcast is the one to listen to if you're ready for Infinite Receiving.