258: Behind the Words: Unveiling the Spin and Subtext in the Jonas-Turner Divorce

Join Molly in the PR Confidential community on Five: Don’t miss out on joining in the chats where we dissect this episode’s topic further and engage in intriguing discussions on various subjects of spin, aiming to uncover the truth behind the spin and subtext. Ask your questions - Molly will answer. In this episode of the Indestructible PR Podcast with Molly McPherson, we venture "Behind the Words" to demystify the spin and subtext surrounding the recent Jonas-Turner divorce. The separation o...

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Every week, nationally-recognized crisis management expert Molly McPherson, also known as the "PR Lady" on TikTok, mixes strategic public relations lessons with weekly reveals of behind-the-scenes PR moves from breaking news stories and trending popular culture.  From the most popular celebrities and public figures, learn what went right and what went wrong from a strategic media and PR perspective. A must-listen for any PR professional, aspiring communicator, or pop culture fan who wants to gain a better understanding of the media landscape and learn how to build an indestructible reputation.