InDesignSecrets Podcast 154
InDesign Secrets - A podcast by Blatner and Concepcion
Milwaukee Seminar; Writing in InDesign; WTH feature: Fit Selection to Window; Obscurity of the week: Odd Page Break
Listen in your browser: InDesignSecrets-154.mp3 (17.8 MB, 34:27 minutes)
The transcript of this podcast will be posted soon. Well, kind of soon. It takes them a while to transcribe.
- Writing in InDesign: why would you write from scratch in a page-layout program?
- Our first-ever What-The-Heck (WTH) feature: Fit Selection to Window
- Obscure InDesign Feature of the Week: Odd Page Break
News and special offers from our sponsors:
>>Rorohiko makes awesome plug-ins for creative professionals who use InDesign, and also builds custom automated workflow solutions for companies around the world.
>>UK-based Certitec, an Adobe Authorized Training Center, is giving away one free 2-day InDesign class to a lucky listener. Classes will be held in Cardiff or London, U.K. To enter the drawing for the free class, go to and fill out the form. Quick! You only have 14 days from the date of this podcast to enter the drawing. If you don’t win, you can always register for any 2011 class at Certitec for 10% off if you mention “InDesignSecrets” when registering. Also: Thanks to Ken Venus for the awesome voiceovers!
Links mentioned in this podcast:
> InDesignSecrets Live! with James Fritz in Milwaukee, WI, September 27 (check your weekly newsletter for the code to get 10% off; if you don't get the newsletter)
> Basic and Not-so-Basic Text Selection Shortcuts (blog post by James Fritz)
> More on Story Editor and the Barbell cursor.
> Buzzword
> ickmull and more from John Maxwell