7: Constelaciones familiares, trauma, tipos de vinculos afectivos y herramientas para establecer relaciones seguras y abordar conflictos con Anna Llimos.

En este episodio vas a entablar una conversacion a cerca de ,
constelaciones familiares,
modos de lidiar con el trauma,
tipos de vinculo,
vinculo seguro,
herramientas a utilizar durante un conflicto en una relacion.

Ibiza Refuge for Dreamers web

Como contactar con Anna,
IG, @anna_amma
email, [email protected]

Como contactar con Ibiza Oihana Galor-Dual
IG, @ibizarefugedreamers, @oihana_galor_dual

Music of the trailer, Mateos Ulrich
Music at the end, Gayatri Mantra
Bettina Maureenji and Amu Ahava
IG @bettina.maureenji.music

Audio Assistance

Libros recomendados,

El cuerpo lleva la cuenta, Bessel Van der Kolk

Sanando el Trauma Peter Levine

Ordenes del Amor Bert Hellinger

En una voz no hablada Peter Levine

Om Podcasten

Welcome to your heavenly refuge. A space to unwind your mind, slow down your rhythm,  and fill your whole body up with inspiration. This podcast will nourish you with stories from beautiful creators and entrepreneurs, who have already made a change in their life, using their gifts to walk their talk. Welcome again my name is Oihana Galor-Dual, yoga teacher and wellness guide, enthusiastic about bringing the stories of people that share their unique blueprint with the world.