Building the Place in the Age of Zoom

I Don't Need an Acting Class - A podcast by Milton Justice


Because of the pandemic, the nature of the business of acting has changed, and most likely there’s no going back. Working remotely has become so pervasive that even when theater reopens, self-tape auditions and Zoom readings will remain a vital part of what we do everyday. Because of that, imaginatively *building the place* is that much more essential. We may be in our bedrooms sitting in front of a green screen, but to be believable, we have to be living off of the place we’re in. In this episode, Milton talks about the necessity of visualization in the age of the closeup, because it grounds you in the place and moves you into the world of the play. “The fact is,” Milton says, “if you are not *some place,* you’re acting in a vacuum.” Have a question for Milton? Email him at [email protected] Brought to you by and

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