Pt. 2: ABCs of Audition Prep
I Don't Need an Acting Class - A podcast by Milton Justice
WANT MORE? Become a subscriber for bonus content! In this second part of ABCs of Auditioning, Milton applies all the concepts mentioned in the last episode to Teo’s audition for a police procedural, in which he was given two lines and no information. This is a practical example of knowing what world you’re in, understanding the function of your scene, having a relationship with everything so that every moment is filled, and having not only a strong recognizable character, but a personality that an audience would want to spend time with over the course of many seasons. The more information you have about the genre, the writers, the network and the tone of the piece, the smarter your choices will be and the more you’ll be grounded for the audition. Here’s are the sides so you can follow along if you’d like: East New York His trainee ANDRE BENTLEY- Black, late twenties; also RIVAS and LYLE; all but SANDEFORD sneak glances at Haywood, the new boss. SANDEFORD [to Bentley) Don’t just look on the ground for shell casings. Sometimes they go into tires which is why you wanna look for flats. RIVAS Anyone know anything about our new commandante? LYLE (sarcastic) She was the most qualified candidate, that’s all. RIVAS She was awarded the Combat Cross. LYLE Shut up. [END]