Hustle Beach Episode 007: Oren Maisner of Jacobs Ladder
Hustle Beach - A podcast by Kosha Dillz
We are back again with another tuesday of the Hustle Beach Podcast
I have just returned to Israel and in celebration of such an arrival, I want to introduce to you good friend and guitarist of Jacobs Ladder. We first met in 2007 at a show in DC and have loosely stayed in touch Sith some recent collaborations. Something I really love about this guy is that although I don't quite understand him or he isn't on the brink of fame, he has a great attitude and energy that is very "South Beach." He is a Miami guy at heart and we learn lots of cool history of who is from Miami, stories from Art Basel, and we recently played a pool party in Ft Lauderdale at a place called the Mitzvah Mansion., and also played a beach festival in the north of Israel.
Follow Jacob's Ladder on spotify / Apple Music Oren.Ladder on Instagram
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some cool moments of the podcast:
4:00 Miami is Magic City
6:00 First guitar lesson for anyone
10:30 Where will you live?
17:40 nirvana lessons but really Green Day.
19:30 Rapping over the Green Day song
20:30 teaching guitar and live ninja