The Adventure of the Yellow Face

"The Adventure of the Yellow Face" from The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, narrated by Alex Gallegos. "If it should ever strike you that I am getting a little over-confident in my powers, or giving less pains to a case than it deserves, kindly whisper ‘Norbury’ in my ear, and I shall be infinitely obliged to you.” Born and raised in Colorado, Alex Gallegos moved to Iowa in 2015. He fell in love with the audio format of storytelling after hearing the original War of the Worlds broadcast, and about the power it held to create imagery in the audience’s mind unmatched by any conceivable feat of cinematography - even by today’s standards. By day, he is a Systems Administrator, tinkering with computers, technology, and software, but by night, he is... actually pretty much the same thing, just paid less to do it once he’s off the clock. Content warning: This story contains blatant & not-so-blatant anti-Black racism.  Find recommended reading, more stories, info about the show and more on our website:

Om Podcasten

However Improbable is a podcast book club about Sherlock Holmes, by and for the people who love him. Every other week, detective lit enthusiasts Marisa and Sarah present a fresh new recording of Holmes and Watson’s adventures, and then delve into the story, its history and politics, adaptations, and why we’re still so captivated by the detective and his good doctor. Holmes himself famously said that there’s nothing new under the sun—but we’re willing to give him a run for his money.