Discover Place de la Nation!

In this episode of Hidden Paris, Eilean and I discuss the history of Place de la Nation, her neighbourhood. She also recommends three of her favourite places to check out in the area : a vegetarian café called The Kursaal, a bakery set up by an American with lots of yummy treats called Adria's Bakery and Arkose, a rock climbing gym. Here are their Instagram handles : @thekursaal, @adriasbakery and @arkose.climbing. Fun little anecdote : In Ireland, school uniforms are mandatory in nearly all public and private primary and secondary schools. In France, however, only a few schools still enforce them....I just assumed all European countries still have them, hence why I was pondering this in the episode! 

Om Podcasten

Hidden Paris is a podcast for all lovers and residents of Paris, hosted by British/American expat (reared in Ireland, Italy and the US!) Mariamne Everett. I take you with me on my journey as I discover the hidden and off the beaten track places and aspects of the City of Love. Each episode focuses on the history and background of the place, mixed in with healthy doses of fun conversation. You will also have the opportunity to “meet” people on my broadcast, as the listeners introduce themselves and talk about what brought them to Paris.