Chapter 4: This is My Son

Chapter 4 of Heroes in the Bible: Jesus with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by the Gospels. This is My Son - The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry. This story is the beginning of Christ’s ministry here on earth. This story begins with the heavens splitting open to showcase Jesus as the beloved son of God, and it ends with a battle of mind and emotions between Jesus and Satan. Today's opening prayer is inspired by Mark 1:15, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. Listen to some of the greatest Bible stories ever told and make prayer a priority in your life by downloading the app. Sign up for Heroes in the Bible devotionals at  Learn more about Dr. Tony Evans at See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten’s Heroes in the Bible is an extraordinary audio series hosted by esteemed biblical scholar Dr. Tony Evans. This innovative series delves into the profound tales of despair and victory woven into the lives of the most revered figures in the Bible. ‍ Season 1 of this series brought the story of David to life —from humble beginnings as a shepherd to his ascension as King. Season 2 of Heroes in the Bible showcases the greatest story ever told -- the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This series will take us down the harrowing path from Nazareth to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. We will ascend the mountain where Jesus was tempted by Satan and sail through choppy seas where He walked on water. Then, we will behold the gruesome glory of the cross, where Jesus defeated sin and death. Sign up for our Heroes in the Bible devotionals at Each episode revitalizes the biblical narratives, skillfully rendering these timeless stories through the lens of an array of distinct voice actors. The soundscapes are painted with cinematic precision, accompanied by bespoke musical scores, creating a deeply immersive auditory experience. Heroes in the Bible transcends traditional storytelling, serving as a vibrant, sonic tableau that brings these historical narratives to life. Designed to captivate the adult Christian listener, this series offers an innovative method to engage with and understand the Bible, fostering a deeper connection to these stories of faith and resilience. With each episode, be prepared to embark on an auditory pilgrimage, experiencing the Bible as never before.