Zach (Journalist)

Hello From Hong Kong - A podcast by JonathanJK

Zach - Journalist (Season 2, Episode 5)

In this month’s episode I sit down with my very own housemate, someone I carefully selected amongst millions of potential other room mates to live with me in my humble apartment in Hong Kong. What’s interesting is that Zach hails from Taiwan and is a journalist, so we get his insight into his role here, studying in the Phillipeans and growing up in Taiwan.

Naturally we get into a discussion that involved understanding the differences between the PRC (China) and the RC (Taiwan, but also China), what is it like to live as a Taiwanese in Hong Kong and Zach came here while at the same time many Hong Kong people are leaving Hong Kong for Taiwan itself to escape the politics that are an ever growing presence on life here.

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