(2) Mr Lau - Eng/Canto Version

Hello From Hong Kong - A podcast by JonathanJK

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Show Notes

In this episode Mr Lau returns. As does Stella, she was again kind enough to translate. The three of us sit down together to share more stories from our aged guest.

We discuss the nature of Mr Lau’s self-created space in the forest. I personally was curious and wanted to discuss further about the tree house Mr Lau and the abandoned toilet/rest room where Stella and myself first met him.

My original plan was to speak on a range of historical topics pertaining to Hong Kong. Those other questions will be asked in part 3. Mr Lau had a lot of say about the history pertaining to the borrowed spaces of his and then he shifts the conversation to his personal coin collection and shares his philosophy behind them.

Please check the episode listings for part 1 where we are introduced to Mr Lau.


自從有一次我和Stella 行山時在一個荒廢的廁所/休憩室遇到劉伯後, 我的好奇心已經驅使我想進一步了解劉伯如何建造自己的樹屋和小天地。

起初我想跟劉伯談談有關他對某些香港歷史的看法, 但這些話題會留待下一次再跟劉伯詳談。因為劉伯當天很雀躍地先跟我們分享關於他和“借回來”的小天地的關係和歷史。 之後還展示了一些他所收藏的硬幣和分享其背後意義。


Show Links

Part 1 with Mr Lau



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