Health Note Integrates Pre-Visit Interviews Into Ambient Voice Solution

Healthcare IT Today Interviews - A podcast by John Lynn


As a major differentiator from other AI-based ambient voice scribes, Health Note integrates pre-visit information into the note, shortening visits sometimes for 30 minutes. Pre-visit information is obtained from patients by sending them a text message several days before they show up for their visit. The information gathered is far more detailed and sophisticated than a standard intake, because it asks many questions a doctor would normally ask at the start of the visit. Through this pre-visit documentation, Health Note might write up to 90% of the doctor's note, according to Dr. Joshua Reischer, Co-Founder & CEO. The information typically includes the history of the present illness, a review of systems, demographics, social and family history, allergies, and more. Learn more about Health Note: Health IT Community:

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