Episode 030 - Fed is Best - Pumping Edition

  Title – Fed is Best – Pumping Edition Subtitle – with Melissa Guerriero and Samantha Day   Fed is best. 3 words of truth. We are going to go through different episodes for the different ways we families chose to fed their babies and this week is all about pumping. We had the opportunity to talk with Melissa Guerriero on this topic and it was great! A little about our guest - Melissa Guerriero is the momma behind @pump_momma_pump on instagram. She is a two-time exclusive pumping mother to a 2.5 year old boy and a 7 month old baby girl. She runs her instagram page as a support for any pumping mother, exclusive or not! When her first baby was born prematurely, she learned how to pump from the NICU nurses but other than that, didn't have much support and had to do a lot of digging on the internet to find out more about exclusive pumping. She ended up exclusive pumping, by choice, for her second baby and also donates her milk. She started Pump Momma Pump to be who she needed when she began pumping- a cheerleader, a teacher, and someone to show her the best ways to make the best of breastpumping.    You can find her at https://www.instagram.com/pump_momma_pump/   Referred to in the episode –   “Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division”   To find out more about Samantha or to join her – Website – https://www.samanthadayconsulting.com/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samanthadaysleepconsulting/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/samanthadaysleepconsulting/

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Happy Days Rested Nights is a weekly meeting spot for families like yours who have goals of solid sleep, healthy bodies and happy homes. Hosted by Samantha Day, Certified Sleep Consultant and Learning Behavior Specialist, we will be digging deep into topics that apply to this stage of our life while focusing on clear takeaways with big impacts. Join us while Samantha gives us one on one episodes and also interviews experts in different areas of childhood and parenting.