Bilingual Skills - Outsourcing in Palestine with Jerry Marshall | Transcend #41

One territory that definitely qualifies as “off the usual business radar” is Palestine. It’s clearly not a valuable export market. But, for businesses active in the Middle East, or looking at expanding there, there are some real opportunities to take advantage of its positioning as a hub. In this podcast, our host, Oliver Dowson, is in conversation with Jerry Marshall, Chairman of Transcend, a company founded by partners from the UK, USA and Palestine and with follow on investment from the Palestine Investment Fund. In this Grow through International Expansion podcast Jerry tells us about what they’re doing and why, and introduces the opportunities for overseas companies to tap into that talent pool. If you missed earlier episodes, you can find them on our Grow through International Expansion platform, . Our platform is independent, carries no advertising and is not for profit – we seek to deliver useful, valuable content, essential for all those who have interest in international business and global trade.

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It’s more than just increased revenues and profits – it’s a simple fact that the value of a business increases through International Expansion, whether measured by share price or eventual sale valuation. I am Oliver Dowson, International Expansion Specialist, CEO of ICC and Angel Investor. Over the last 40 years, I have travelled extensively in over 120 countries, created, managed and sold businesses in 10 countries on my own account, and many others in more countries for clients.